Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just getting started...

I am a mother of three beautiful children.  I have been married since 2000 to a wonderful man. I love to garden, cook, bake and spend time with my family.  I love working with my hands.  I enjoy learning how things around me work and I am always on a mission to get back to the basics. 

I named this blog Butter and Sunshine as a symbol of simplicity.   In our modern society we have grown away from the simple foods, like the butter our great great grandmothers worked so hard to make. We are so afraid of the sun that we hide indoors and if we set foot outdoors we feel an urgency to slather on that sunscreen.  Don't get me wrong, extra virgin olive oil is great and a little SPF 45 has it's place, but I think we should all enjoy a little butter and sunshine now and then.